2023 - 2024

2021 - 2022
ESU 13

Staff Development Services (84-002.05A)
1101.00 - Continuous Improvement
Supporting individual schools or districts in specific Continuous Schools Improvement topics.
1102.01 - Targeted Improvement Plan (TIP)
Support Schools in the Targeted Improvement Planning Process
1102.04 - PeAK
Assisting school districts with their improvement activities for students with disabilities. The Facilitator partners with districts to gather and analyze data in collaboration with the Continuous School Improvement Process and to assist in the development of Targeted Improvement Plans. Each Nebraska school district will develop a Targeted Improvement Plan that will lead to better child and student performance and report annually to NDE on the Plan's progress.
1103.00 - Safety and Security
coordinating state-wide implementation of Safety and Security Standards, crisis response, State grants and initiatives.
1104.00 - Leadership
Support for educational leadership and capacity building
1104.02 - Advisory Council
District Superintendent/Leadership Group, provides support and advice to ESU in regards to menu of
1105.06 - Curriculum Alignment
Supporting academic content alignment to standards for educators.
1107.03 - Assessment Formative
Supporting schools with formative assessments, procedures, and data used within their district. Examples include: TestWiz, DIBELS, AIMSweb, and Classroom Assessments
1108.05 - Digital Citizenship awareness & training
Provide digital citizenship training for students, teachers, and parents.
1112.04 - School Librarian/Media Specialist Training Support
Provides district Librarian/Media specials with contacts, support, a professional learning community, and quarterly meetings.
1112.05 - LAN Manager Training and Support
Provides district LAN managers with contacts, support, a professional learning community, and quarterly meetings.
1112.11 - Support Staff Training
Providing opportunities for community groups and schools to partnership in learning outside the classroom.
Instructional Materials Services (84-002.05C)
Technology (84-002.05B)
2301.00 - Wide Area Network (WAN) Support
Internet bandwidth is supplied to member schools to meet their network needs. This service includes monitoring and firewall support, packet capturing, and viewing logs to identify issues.
2302.00 - Distance Learning Support & Course Exchange Coordination
Coordinate and support schools for both receiving and delivering distance learning courses. Scheduling distance learning courses in the ESU 13 consortium, but also statewide courses available to 21 schools. Support of NVIS.
2310.01 - ADVISER Support
Provides training and support of ADVISER (Nebraska State-wide data collection system).
2311.00 - Single Sign on (SSO) and Nebraska Portal Support
Provides training and support for the Nebraska Portal and SSO.
2323.04 - Zoom video conference support
Zoom is a desktop web and video conferencing purchased for ESU 13 schools through a consortium buy. ESU 13 staff manage accounts, train and deploy zoom accounts to its member schools.
Student Services
1401.00 - Program Supervision
Special Education Supervision Birth to 21. Education and support for parents, and school staff surrounding special education. Supervise ESU 13 staff and programs. Attend IEP/MDT meetings as requested. Provide training for teachers, administrators, bookkeepers. SRS District management.
1401.03 - Title 1C Student/Guardian Support Services and Advocacy
Title IC Parent Training and Title IC Administration Student Needs Meeting
1404.00 - Early Childhood Special Education
Early Childhood Special Education services includes managing referrals and conducting evaluations of children birth to 5 years old. If children are in need of special education services; it also includes evidence based service delivery of comprehensive services in homes, childcare and preschool settings that adhere to IDEA Part C and Part B (619) rules and regulations. The teams also works to smoothly transition verified children to their elementary schools as they move on to kindergarten. Schools can utilize coordinators to help manage their Teaching Strategies GOLD requirements.
1406.01 - Special Education Financial Collaboration and Support
Assist schools in the completion of SPDFFRS and Finance Collaboration and Networking
1411.00 - Secondary Transition Support and Training
Transition Staff assists district staff with student transition plans. These responsibilities may include program planning, coordinating events and PD, monitoring, evaluating, educating, and implementing transition services and supports. Transition Staff also work with outside agencies.
1416.01 - DIBELS Deep Testing
Testing individual at-risk students using the DIBELS (Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills) Deep measure to areas for interventions
Grant Services
1501.02 - Perkins Grant
Provides grant facilitation, management, professional development, and networking for Career and Technical Education teachers through the Carl D Perkins Grant Consortium.
1501.06 - Title III Support
English Learners Instructional Support--providing guidance, materials, scheduling, placement, and assessment to schools
Other Services
Other (not a requirement of SIMPL)
1702.13 - College Credit
We are offering this course for continuing education hours