ESU Master Service Catalog
Staff Development Services (84-002.05A)
1101.00 - Continuous Improvement
Workshops, consultation or direct work with school districts to assist with the continuous improvement process ‘CIP’. Examples: steering committee meeting, mission/ vision work, data support, data dashboard, comprehensive needs assessment, CIP goal selection, action plans, program evaluation, preparing for the CIP external visit; support for Comprehensive Support and Improvement ‘CSI’, and Targeted Support and Improvement ‘TSI’ and Additional Targeted Support and Improvement ‘ATSI’ student designations.
1101.01 - Data Analysis
1101.02 - Mission/Vision
1101.03 - Goal Setting
1101.04 - Data Literacies
1101.05 - CNA Support
Supporting schools in completion of the Comprehensive Needs Assessment Process
1101.06 - CSI/TSI
1102.00 - Multi-Tiered System of Supports
Workshops, consultation or direct work with school districts to establish Multi-tiered System of Support processes and practices, including Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports ‘PBIS’ and Social Emotional and Behavioral Learning ‘SEBL’. Examples: regional meetings, team meeting, data analysis, action plans, creating process/protocols, on-site coaching, Targeted Improvement Plan ‘TIP’, Results Driven Accountability ‘RDA’, Performance Enhancement and Knowledge ‘PEaK’ Project, NeMTSS.
1102.01 - TIP
1102.02 - PBIS
1102.03 - SEBL
1102.04 - PEaK
1102.05 - Results Driven Accountability
1103.00 - School Climate and Culture
Training, support and consultation for sustaining, improving and re-establishing school environments that are conducive and supportive of learning. Examples: school safety teams and plans, crisis teams, psychological first aid, standard protocol response training, suicide prevention, staff and student wellness, self care, trauma informed care, school law webinars, Title IX training, de-escalation training (Mandt, Crisis Prevention Institute ‘CPI’), equity.
1103.01 - Non-Violent Crisis Intervention
1103.02 - Title IX Training
1103.03 - Equity
1103.04 - Standard Response Protocol Training (SRP)
1103.05 - Self Care
Ongoing resources and strategies to support educator wellness
1103.06 - MANDT Training
1104.00 - Leadership
A series of opportunities to engage in discussion and learning about initiatives and professional growth. Examples: Leadership meetings, Mentoring training, Walkthrough development, Evaluation tool development, Technology Integration tools, Review of principal and teacher standards, adult learners, balanced leadership, change process/change management, teambuilding, teacher/principal evaluation
1104.01 - Principal Development
1104.02 - Superintendent Development
1104.03 - Board of Education Development
1104.04 - Professional Learning Leader Development
Professional Learning Department Network Meetings, District Professional Learning contacts network meeting. Executive Leadership Program professional learning.
1104.05 - Coach/Teacher Leader Development
Coaching Cadre Network Meetings, Professional learning for district instructional coaches, Support and professional learning for the development and support of Peer coaches and mentors.
1104.06 - Annual Policy Updates
Annual Policy Updates - information provided to Administrators regarding policy
1104.07 - Student Services Leadership
1104.08 - Assessment Leadership
Supporting school leaders with assessments and using assessments to guide school programs and processes
1104.09 - Medicaid in Public Schools
Support is provided for schools to support the process of entry into Maximus and support for completion of Medicaid in Public Schools paperwork.
1104.10 - Tech Leadership Cadre
Technology Skills and Integration work for teacher leaders in ESU 6 schools
1105.00 - Curriculum
Workshops, consultation or direct work with school districts to assist in the curriculum development process, including selection and implementation of instructional materials. Examples: curriculum alignment, articulation of instructional units and scope and sequence, incorporating standards into classroom practice, high quality instructional materials selection and consultation, curriculum guides.
1105.01 - Standards Adoption
1105.02 - High Quality Instructional Materials Selection
1105.03 - Unit Development
1105.04 - Lesson Development
1105.05 - High Quality Instructional Materials Implementation
1106.00 - Instruction
Workshops, college courses, consultation or direct work with school districts that focus on optimal learning environments and effective instructional strategies. Examples: classroom culture, classroom management, effective instructional strategies, explicit instruction, co-teaching, Kagan, Differentiation, Direct Instruction, Vocabulary.
1106.01 - Instructional Framework/Model
1106.02 - ELA Content
1106.03 - Math Content
1106.04 - Science
1106.05 - Social Studies
1106.06 - Fine Arts
1106.07 - Career and Technical Education
1106.08 - Health and PE
1106.09 - World Language
1106.10 - STEM / STEAM
1106.11 - Instructional Strategies
Kagan, Differentiation, Vocabulary, Direct Instruction
1106.12 - Other/Non-NSCAS Content Trainings
Trainings and support for content areas not tested through NSCAS. Such trainings as for guidance counselors, special education staff, and para educators.
1106.13 - Title 1C Administrative/Staff Coordination and Support
Title 1C supporting and collaborating with school staff around supplemental services for Title 1C students.
1106.14 - Instruction: Other
Professional learning based on best practices of content and pedagogy PK-12.
1107.00 - Assessment
Workshops, consultation or direct work with school districts to develop formative and summative assessments and analyze and apply diagnostic, formative, interim and summative data. Examples: creation of classroom and district assessments, analysis of assessment data results, using assessment data to inform instruction, training and consultation related to classroom, state and national data, Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills ‘DIBELS’, Acadience, Measures of Academic Progress ‘MAP’ Growth, Nebraska Student Centered Assessment System ‘NSCAS’ Growth. Nebraska Reading Improvement Act approved assessments
1107.01 - NWEA
1107.02 - NSCAS
NSCAS Support, Data Analysis, ACT Content & Test Prep
1107.03 - Assessment Formative
1108.00 - Digital Learning
Professional learning and direct support for distrits and teachers in digital learning. Examples: remote learning, hybrid learning, blended learning, and the tools and resources used to facilitate digital learning, on-site classroom observations, technical assistance support, workshop facilitation, one-on-one consultation
1108.01 - Learning Management Systems
1108.02 - Digital Learning including BlendEd
1108.03 - Coding
1108.04 - Future Ready
1108.05 - Digital Citizenship
1108.06 - Data Privacy
1108.07 - Instructional Technology Integration
Instructional technology Integration model Training, Support for Online or Technology Tools to Transform Curriculum Implementation
1108.08 - Instruction: eduCLIMBER
Professional learning on the utilization and maintenance of the eduCLIMBER data platform.
1108.09 - Device Implementation
Support and professional learning for district device selection, implementation, and deployment to teachers, students, and staff.
1108.10 - Google Summit
Partner with ESU 9 and ESU 18 to organize and offer a yearly tech skills summit
1108.11 - Teaching and Learning Conference
1108.12 - Artificial Intelligence (AI)
1109.00 - Coaching
Consultation with individual educators, e.g., teachers, principals. Examples: classroom observations, reflective conversations, goal-setting, peer coaching, instructional rounds.
1109.01 - Teacher Coaching
1109.02 - Cadre Professional Learning and Networking Meetings
1109.03 - Principal Coaching
1109.04 - Mentoring
1109.05 - Personalized PD
Assistance/mentoring for teachers (or small groups of teachers) needing assistance with implementing specific strategies.
1109.06 - New Teacher Cadre
Providing supports for teachers in their first years of teaching. Services include workshops and cadre meetings covering a variety of topics
1110.00 - New Teacher Academy
Workshops, consultation or direct work with school districts that focus on research-based, best practices designed across a variety of services to support beginning teachers and their mentors. Examples: lesson design, classroom management, student engagement, high yield strategies, technology integration, special education, parent-teacher conferences.
1110.01 - New Teacher Coaching/Mentor
Providing one-on-one support for teachers new to the profession
1111.00 - Teacher/Principal Evaluation
Training and support in the development of district-wide practices for teacher or principal evaluation. Examples: Instructional framework adoption; consultation; training in evaluation best practices; administrator observation and data collection; Staff Evaluation Tool Support
1111.01 - Evaluation Tool Support
Support for technology tools to aid in staff evaluation.
1112.00 - Specialist Training, Support & Networking
Workshops, consultation or direct work with individuals who serve in specialized roles/capacities. Examples: school counselors, curriculum directors, technology integrationists, High Ability Learners ‘HAL’ coordinators, local area network ‘LAN’ managers, media coordinators, special education specialists, registered nurses, paraprofessionals, administrative assistants, custodians, lunch program staff, transportation providers and others.
1112.01 - Paraprofessional Training
1112.02 - Instructional Technology Users Group Meetings
1112.03 - HAL
1112.04 - Media
1112.05 - LAN Managers
1112.07 - Vision Professional Development and Training
1112.08 - SPED PD
1112.09 - Before Age 5 Training
1112.10 - End User Support: GOLD
Teaching Strategies GOLD training, system support, OSEP review, and administration use.
1112.11 - Administrative Assistants
1112.12 - Head Start Partnership Support
Head Start Partnership Liaisons support district partnership teaching staff by providing training and support in meeting the Head Start Performance Standards.
1112.13 - EL Professional Learning
English Learners Instructional Support--providing guidance, materials, scheduling, placement, and assessment to schools.
1112.14 - End User Support: eduCLIMBER
Troubleshooting and fixes regarding the eduCLIMBER data platform.
1112.15 - Dyslexia Preparation and Training
Overview of Dyslexia and Methods to Support Students
1112.16 - School Counselors
1112.17 - Professional Growth Seminars
1112.18 - Health Services Professional Development
Training on specific student health concerns, medication administration, CPR/AED/First Aid, and Stop The Bleed.
1112.19 - ELC (Early Learning) Professional Development
Nebraska’s Early Learning Connection (ELC) is an integrated system of early childhood professional development. The ELC consists of a statewide hub at the Early Childhood Training Center and seven regional Early Learning Connection partnerships, along with other state and regional partners. It is designed as a system that supports the career and professional development of all who provide programs and services for young children birth through age eight.
1112.20 - Career Academy Coordinator
Act as liason between school districts and post secondary for the purpose of coordinating early college, career academy development, academic plans of study. Will work closely with school district leadership and counselors as well as early college personnel in higher ed institutions.
Instructional Materials Services (84-002.05C)
1201.00 - Products & Subscriptions
1202.00 - Equipment & Materials Checkout
Maintain a lending library for district loan. Examples: Makerspace equipment, video studio, STEM/STEAM lab, media resources, learning kits
Technology (84-002.05B)
1301.00 - Technology Support
General technology and technical support.
1301.01 - Internet and WAN Support
Support of internet and WAN (Wide Area Network) circuits.
1301.02 - Networking Support
Wired and wireless networking support.
1301.03 - Systems Administration & Server Support
Server systems administration, maintenance, and support.
1301.04 - Client Device Support
Desktops, Laptops, Chromebooks, Tablets, Mobile Devices, Phones, etc.
1301.05 - Hardware Repair
Computer, Device, A/V, and other equipment repair.
1301.06 - Distance Learning & Videoconferencing Support
Codecs, Virtual Field Trips, Zoom, etc.
1301.07 - Contracted Technology Support
Dedicated FTE assigned directly to school district(s) under a contract for personnel arrangement.
1301.08 - Planning & Consultation
Strategic planning, general consultations, etc.
1301.09 - Electronic Recycling
1302.00 - Infrastructure
Infrastructure services that support various technology initiatives, including internet access, servers, and other supporting software.
1302.01 - Internet Access
Commodity Internet, Internet2, Internet Exchange
1302.02 - DNS (Domain Name System)
BIND, CloudFlare, DNS Made Easy, etc.
1302.03 - Internet Content Filtering
Hardware or software based internet content filtering.
1302.04 - Directory Services & SSO (Single Sign-On)
Active Directory, LDAP, NebraskaCloud, etc.
1302.05 - Server Hosting
Physical or virtual server hosting.
1302.06 - Web & Application Hosting
Hosting of websites and other applications.
1302.07 - Backup Software & Storage
Offsite backup storage, backup systems/software, etc.
1302.08 - Performance Monitoring & Notification
Zabbix, NinjaRMM, PRTG, etc.
1302.09 - Device Management
MDM (Mobile Device Managment), RMM (Remote Management & Monitoring)
1303.00 - Development
Web and application development, including software integrations and database administration
1303.01 - Web Development
Webpage and other web development including integrations with other systems.
1303.02 - Application Development
Custom desktop, mobile, and web applications/software development.
1303.04 - Scripting & Batch Processing
Work to integrate systems and automations between systems.
1303.05 - Graphic Design
Graphic design and other creative services.
1303.13 - Database Administration & Development
1304.00 - Information Security
Provide proactive planning, training and reporting focused on cybersecurity and resources after a cybersecurity event.
1304.01 - Cybersecurity
General cybersecurity consultations, incident response, etc.
1304.02 - Security Awareness Training
Proofpoint, KnowBe4, etc.
1304.03 - Vulnerability Scanning
DHS Cyber Hygiene, etc.
1305.00 - Data Systems
Provide support for data systems used in school districts including student information systems and finance systems.
1305.01 - SIS (Student Information System) Support
PowerSchool, Infinite Campus, Synergy, etc.
1305.02 - ADVISER State Reporting
Support and training for ADVISER and state reporting.
1305.03 - Data Warehouse
Support and training for data warehouse system.
1305.04 - Report Writing
1306.00 - E-Rate
Universal Service E-Rate filing and consultation.
1306.01 - E-Rate Category 1
Telecommunications, telecommunications services, and Internet access.
1306.02 - E-Rate Category 2
Internal connections, basic maintenance of internal connections, and managed internal broadband services.
1306.13 - E-Rate ECF (Emergency Connectivity Fund)
Student Services
1401.00 - Program Supervision
Provides support for parents, school, and ESU staff surrounding special education. Supervision services include assisting by providing technical assistance regarding Rule 51 and Rule 52 policies and procedures, facilitating IEP meetings, and consultation.
1401.01 - Early Intervention: Support
Early Childhood Special Education services includes managing referrals and conducting evaluations of children birth to 5 years old.
1401.02 - Child Find: Services Coordination
1401.03 - Direct Family Service
Services Coordination, Navigators Help families get connected with services for their child and family (i.e. SPED, community programs, food bank, advocacy)
1401.04 - Direct Family Service: Navigators
Navigators Help families get connected with services for their child and family (i.e. SPED, community programs, food bank, advocacy) (School Age)
1401.05 - Direct Family Service: Services Coordination
Help families get connected with services for their child and family (i.e. SPED, community programs, food bank, advocacy)
1401.06 - EDN Supervision: Services Coordination
Oversee EDN services and practices of services coordinators including caseload management, compliance review, and professional growth.
1401.07 - Research and Development: Service Coordination
Finding and connecting families with resources, as well as collaboration with providers regarding client needs.
1401.08 - State and Federal Reporting: Service Coordination
The writing/documentation of narratives, IFSP, SRS, and waivers.
1401.09 - State and Federal Reporting: Student Services
1401.10 - Financials
Consulting in budgeting and utilization of tools that track and report district finances.
1401.11 - State and Federal Reporting Including IDEA
Direct and/or consultative support for district required State and Federal reports.
1401.12 - Title 1C Instructional Services
Supporting Students with the following...High School Credit Accrual, English Language Arts, English Language Proficiency, Extended Day Programs, HighSchoolEquivalency, Math, Instructional Life Skills, Prevention Education and Health, Pre-GED, Preschool, Science, Social Studies, Youth Leadership,
1401.13 - Maintenance of Effort
Supporting school districts in calculation of MOE, exemptions, and required reporting.
1401.14 - Facilitated IEPs
Support and facilitate meetings at district request
1401.15 - Staff supervision
Provide necessary staff appraisal process for contracted student services staff.
1402.00 - Speech Language Pathology
Certified staff member who delivers diagnostic, therapeutic and consultative services for students ages Birth-21 with speech/language disabilities.
1403.00 - Vision
Certified staff member who delivers diagnostic, therapeutic and consultative services for students ages Birth-21 who are blind or visually impaired, inclusive of Orientation and Mobility services.
1403.01 - Consultation and Mentoring Services
Vision Consulting and Mentoring
1404.00 - Early Childhood Special Education
Early Childhood Special Education services includes managing referrals, conducting evaluations, providing educational services to children birth to 5 years old.
1404.01 - Part B 619 Early Childhood Special Education
1404.02 - Part C Early Intervention
1405.00 - School Psychology
Provide direct and indirect support through general education and special education processes. Provide individual, team, and systems-level supports and services to various problem-solving teams. Academic, social emotional, and behavioral assessment, consultation, collaboration with classroom teachers, special education staff, specialists, parents, administration, and school personnel to develop an effective plan to meet the needs of each individual student.
1405.01 - Psychological Evaluation
Psychological Evaluations- for special education or other educational placement
1406.00 - Level III Programs
Includes regional learning and behavior programs
1406.01 - Special Education Level III Behavior
1406.02 - Special Education Level III Life Skills
1406.03 - Residential - Vision
1406.04 - Special Educational 18+
1407.00 - Special Education Coaching & Consultation
Supports teachers, other district staff, and families to assist, provide guidance, training, resources, and strategies for working with students by utilizing programming and materials to improve learning through meeting each individual student's needs (ages 0-21). Examples: Implement verbal behavior program, IEP development-how to write measurable goals, District IEP meeting facilitation, Direct teaching to assist IEP implementation, Para, Parent & Teacher training-Behavior strategies, role modeling, coaching, & data collection, Model, instruct and collect data for social skills & functional life skills, Develop data collection systems, Direct student services in the home, Differentiate instruction, Provide resources (web sites, trainings, curriculum materials, evidence based research )
1408.00 - Deaf Education
Provision of supports and services, including technology and self-advocacy, for students who are deaf or hard of hearing. Examples: Regional programs, direct services, consultation, DHH Teacher, DHH Interpreter
1408.01 - Regional Deaf/Hard of Hearing Programs
1409.00 - Occupational Therapy
Licensed staff member who delivers diagnostic, therapeutic and consultative services for students with disabilities aged Birth-21.
1410.00 - Physical Therapy
Licensed staff member who delivers diagnostic, therapeutic and consultative services for students with disabilities aged Birth-21.
1411.00 - Transition Services
1412.00 - Audiology
Audiological supports and services to students who are deaf or hard of hearing. Hearing assessments are conducted for any student suspected of having a disability or difference in their hearing.
1413.00 - Health Services
Provide health services to school districts. Examples: Annual screenings of district students for vision, hearing, dental health, blood pressure, height , and weight, nursing services, health appraisals.
1413.01 - Direct Student Service: Navigators
1414.00 - Behavior & Mental Health Support
Provides assistance to local educators and students, both verified and non-verified, to improve classroom behavior and student/teacher interaction through observation, consultation, screening and in-service. LMHP, Behaviorist services related to better understanding mental health issues in the public schools.
1414.02 - Board Certified Behavior Analyst
Conducts Functional Behavior Assessments to determine why a behavior is occurring and then develop a Behavior Intervention Plan to address the challenging behaviors. The analyst works closely with school administrators, teachers, paraprofessionals, and school psychologists.
1415.00 - World Language Service
1415.01 - Interpretation-Translation Support
Facilitates interpretation (oral) and translation (written) communication between schools and limited english-speaking families.
1416.00 - Student Assessment
1416.01 - DIBELS Deep Testing
Testing individual at-risk students using the DIBELS (Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills) Deep measure to areas for interventions
1416.02 - Acadience Assessment
ESU 13 staff administrators the Acadience testing for the K-6 students in individual buildings.
1417.00 - Outside of School Placement and Alternative Educational Services
Educational opportunities for students in need of Outside School Placements. ESU 13 area schools include LifeLink, Meridian, Panhandle Beginnings Therapeutic Day School and Valley Alternative Learning Transitioning Schools. ESU 13 provides educational programming, curriculum instruction and related services.
1418.00 - Services Coordination
Coordination of services for families of infants and toddlers with disabilities, across agency lines. Serves as the single point of contact in helping to obtain the services and assistance needed.
1419.00 - Resource Teacher
Provide direct services as indicated on IEPs for students eligible for special education services.
1420.00 - Paraprofessional
supports students in various environments throughout the educational day as determined through the IEP process.
Grant Services
1501.00 - Grant Coordination and Facilitation, non-competitive
The writing, consultation, collabortion, and assistance with regional grants. Examples: Program planning, identification and implementation of strategies and interventions for students of ASD. Maintains lending library.
1501.01 - Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Grant
1501.02 - Perkins
1501.03 - Title I
1501.04 - Title IC
1501.05 - Title IIA
1501.06 - Title III Limited English Proficient
1501.07 - Title IV
1501.08 - Brain Injury Regional Student Support Team Grant activities
1501.09 - Transition Grants
1501.10 - ReVision
1501.11 - Planning Region
1501.12 - PEaK
1501.13 - Early Learning Connections
1501.14 - Assistive Technolgy
1501.15 - Sixpence
1501.16 - McKinney Vento
1502.00 - Grant Writing
1502.01 - Competitive Grant Supports: ITA
1502.02 - Competitive Grant Supports: EIR
1502.03 - Competitive Grant Supports: MTA
1502.04 - Competitive Grant Supports: Cultural Connections
1502.05 - Niobrara Grant Facilitation
Federal Grant Directorship
1502.06 - Mastering the Arts
Federal Grant Project for professional development in art instruction.
1502.07 - Regional Deaf/Hard of Hearing Programs
Regional program to provide support of the educational, social-emotional, cultural, and transition needs of children with hearing loss from Birth to graduation from high school. Program also provides interactive activities, organization, and career explorations and family support.
1502.08 - NeMTSS Regional Lead
NDE funded regional support for MTSS implementation and support.
1502.09 - NeMTSS Early Childhood Facilitator
NDE funded regional support for Early Childhood MTSS implementation and support.
1502.10 - ESU School Mental Health
1502.11 - System of Care-School Mental Health
1502.12 - Early Learning Connections - Coach Consultant
Consultation and support of early childhood coaches across a variety of initiatives
Other Services
1601.00 - Print Shop and Production Services
1602.00 - Evaluation of Programs and Services
Empirical research to determine program and service effectiveness.
1603.00 - Research
1603.01 - Action Research
1603.02 - Data, Research, and Evaluation
Data, Research, and Evaluation, Services related to data research, and evaluation, including student assessment.
1604.00 - Group Purchasing
Volume purchases for various vendor services to optimize purchasing efficiencies.
Other (not a requirement of SIMPL)
1701.00 - Other Student Services (not a requirement of SIMPL)
Services provided to students. These data will be collected for the ESU use only and will not be included in the statewide data.