2023 - 2024

2024 - 2025
ESU 07

Staff Development Services (84-002.05A)

PLC/ LLR Triads- Lee does not want to do the Problem of Practice. He is looking for something more collaborative, like a PLC


CIP, Equitable grading and Coaching to kick off the year. 

Want to bring back the momentum for equitable grading. Would like to begin introducing rubrics. 


CIP: They will come to the full days here at ESU 7 for CIP days. Being on year 4, they want to end on a strong note. 


CTE: Looking for a bond for next year. They have momentum with CTE. They want to put 5 year plan together and work on the Needs Assessment. Will alsoHow to interweave with bond.


MTSS: Working on SEL side with Grant money and interventions. Feel like there have not been any new initiatives this year (on purpose). Building database decision-making process to make decisions.  How to determine Tier 1 and how does that filter into Tier 2.




1101.00 - Continuous Improvement Process
Workshops, consultation or direct work with school districts to assist with the continuous improvement process ‘CIP’. Examples: steering committee meeting, mission/ vision work, data support, data dashboard, comprehensive needs assessment, CIP goal selection, action plans, program evaluation, preparing for the CIP external visit; support for Comprehensive Support and Improvement ‘CSI’, and Targeted Support and Improvement ‘TSI’ and Additional Targeted Support and Improvement ‘ATSI’ student designations.
1102.00 - Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS/RDA)
Workshops, consultation or direct work with school districts to establish Multi-tiered System of Support processes and practices, including Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports ‘PBIS’ and Social Emotional and Behavioral Learning ‘SEBL’. Examples: regional meetings, team meeting, data analysis, action plans, creating process/protocols, on-site coaching, Targeted Improvement Plan ‘TIP’, Results Driven Accountability ‘RDA’, Performance Enhancement and Knowledge ‘PEaK’ Project, NeMTSS.
1104.01 - Principal Development
ESU 7 Principals have the opportunity to meet 5 times each year for opportunities to collaborate. Additionally, principal trainings are scheduled as needs are identified.
1112.08 - Special Education PD
Special education trainings offered to school district personnel.
1112.20 - Career Academy Coordinator
Act as liason between school districts and post secondary for the purpose of coordinating early college, career academy development, academic plans of study. Will work closely with school district leadership and counselors as well as early college personnel in higher ed institutions.
Instructional Materials Services (84-002.05C)
Technology (84-002.05B)
Technology:  Reviewed the Technology Infographic and Internet Bids for this year.  Clarkson received favorable bids for their connection. 
1301.00 - Technology Support
General technology and technical support.
1301.01 - Internet and WAN Support
Support of internet and WAN (Wide Area Network) circuits.
1301.05 - Hardware Repair
Computer, Device, A/V, and other equipment repair.
1301.06 - Distance Learning & Videoconferencing Support
Codecs, Virtual Field Trips, Zoom, etc.
1301.08 - Planning & Consultation
Strategic planning, general consultations, etc.
1302.05 - Server Hosting
Physical or virtual server hosting.
1306.00 - E-Rate
Universal Service E-Rate filing and consultation.
Student Services

No change in Special education services for 24-25 year


QPR training requested Sept. 4, 2024

Staff will attend provided SPED PD at ESU 7

1401.00 - Program Supervision
Compliance, financials, training
1404.00 - Early Childhood Special Education
Early Childhood Special Education services includes managing referrals and conducting evaluations of children birth to 5 years old. If children are in need of special education services; it also includes evidence based service delivery of comprehensive services in homes, childcare and preschool settings that adhere to IDEA Part C and Part B (619) rules and regulations. The teams also works to smoothly transition verified children to their elementary schools as they move on to kindergarten. Schools can utilize coordinators to help manage their Teaching Strategies GOLD requirements.
1405.00 - Psychology
Provide direct and indirect support through general education and special education processes. Provide individual, team, and systems-level supports and services to various problem-solving teams. Academic, social emotional, and behavioral assessment, consultation, collaboration with classroom teachers, special education staff, specialists, parents, administration, and school personnel to develop an effective plan to meet the needs of each individual student.
1408.00 - Deaf Education
Provision of supports and services, including technology and self-advocacy, for students who are deaf or hard of hearing. Examples: Regional programs, direct services, consultation, DHH Teacher, DHH Interpreter
1411.00 - Transition
A transition specialists primary focus is preparing students with disabilities to transition from high school to life after graduation. The specialist supports districts through training opportunities, linkages to agencies and specialists, and providing student workshops on transition-related topics.
1414.00 - Behavior & Mental Health Support
Behavior and mental health support includes conducting Functional Behavior Assessments to determine why a behavior is occurring and then develop a Behavior Intervention Plan to address the challenging behaviors. Individuals providing support works closely with school administrators, teachers, paraprofessionals, and school psychologists. Services can be minimal, such as conducting an observation and helping with classroom strategies, or much more extensive. Some students may require intensive behavior interventions, social skills training and/or emotional behavioral health support. Training for districts to discuss the basics of behavior, classroom strategies to help manage challenging behaviors, de-escalation strategies, and various other topics that the school district specifies are also provided.
Grant Services
Other Services
Other (not a requirement of SIMPL)