* Shading indicates service has been used.
1101.01 System: Data Systems
1101.04 System: PLC
1102.00 System: MTSS
1102.01 System: TIP - Targeted Improvement Plan
1102.03 Instruction: SEBL
1103.00 SBMH Instruction
1104.00 Instruction: Co-teaching
1104.01 Leadership: Coaching
1104.02 Leadership: Superintendent
1104.04 Professional Learning Leader Development
1105.00 Curriculum: Revision and Alignment
1105.05 High Quality Instructional Materials Implementation
1106.00 Instruction: Best Practices
1106.01 System: Instructional Model
1106.02 Instruction: ELA
1106.03 Instruction: Math
1106.04 Instruction: Science
1106.05 Instruction: Social Studies
1106.06 Instruction: Art Integration
1106.07 Pathways 2 Tomorrow
1106.14 Instruction: Other
1107.00 Assessment: Literacy and Development
1108.00 Instruction: Technology Integration
1108.01 System: Canvas
1109.01 Instruction: Coaching
1110.00 Instruction: New Teacher Academy
1111.00 System: Teacher/Principal Evaluation
1111.01 Enduser: ESU2Grows
1112.00 Instruction: Career Technical Education (CTE)
1112.02 End User Support: Other
1112.09 Instruction: Preschool
1112.10 End User Support: GOLD
1201.00 Online Resource Management
1301.01 Internet and WAN Support
1301.02 Networking Support
1301.03 Systems Administration & Server Support
1301.04 Client Device Support
1301.05 Hardware Repair
1301.06 Distance Learning & Videoconferencing Support
1301.07 Contracted Technology Support
1301.08 Planning & Consultation
1302.00 Infrastructure
1302.01 Internet Access
1302.03 Internet Content Filtering
1302.04 Directory Services & SSO (Single Sign-On)
1302.05 Server Hosting
1302.06 Web & Application Hosting
1302.07 Backup Software & Storage
1302.09 Device Management
1303.00 Development
1303.01 Web Development
1303.02 Application Development
1303.04 Scripting & Batch Processing
1303.05 Graphic Design
1304.00 Information Security
1304.01 Cybersecurity
1304.02 Security Awareness Training
1304.03 Vulnerability Scanning
1305.00 Data Systems
1305.01 SIS (Student Information System) Support
1305.02 ADVISER State Reporting
1305.04 Report Writing
1306.00 E-Rate
1306.01 E-Rate Category 1
1306.02 E-Rate Category 2
1401.01 Early Intervention: Support
1401.02 Child Find: Services Coordination
1401.03 Direct Family Service
1401.04 Direct Family Service: Navigators
1401.05 Direct Family Service: Services Coordination
1401.06 Supervision: Services Coordination
1401.07 Research and Development: Service Coordination
1401.08 State and Federal Reporting: Service Coordination
1401.09 State and Federal Reporting: Student Services
1401.11 State and Federal Reporting
1402.00 Direct Student Service: SLP
1403.00 Direct Student Service: Vision
1404.00 Direct Student Service: ECSE
1406.01 Direct Student Service: Independent Program
1407.00 Special Education Consultation
1409.00 Direct Student Service: OT
1413.01 Direct Student Service: Navigators
1414.00 Direct Student Service: LMHP
1501.00 Non-Competitive Grant Support: Other
1501.02 Non-Competitive Grant Support: Perkins
1501.03 Non-Competitive Grant Support: Title I
1501.07 Non-Competitive Grant Support: Title IV
1501.11 Early Intervention: Planning Region Team
1501.12 Non-Competitive Grant Support: PEAK
1502.01 Competitive Grant Supports: ITA
1502.02 Competitive Grant Supports: EIR
1502.03 Competitive Grant Supports: MTA
1601.00 Production
1603.00 Research & Development