2023 - 2024

2020 - 2021
ESU 17

Staff Development Services (84-002.05A)


  1. Researching, narrowing the selection, and presenting curriculum/textbooks to staff for consideration (HS ELA, science and math)
  2. Creating quarterly assessments at the high school level for all courses
  3. Using IXL for diagnostic and intervention (Grade 2 and up)
  4. Implementing ACT checkpoints for freshman, sophomore, junior levels (Pre-ACT?)
  5. New superintendent assistance
  6. Having an ESU presence at monthly In-services
  7. Preparation for 2021-2022 CIP external review
  8. Assistance with building elementary students' technology skills (training during In-services
1101.00 - Continuous Improvement
Mission, Vision, Goals, Action Plans, Data Profile
1102.00 - MTSS
Academic, Behavior (PBIS), Social-Emotional
1103.00 - School Safety
Workshop and training on school safety and crisis teams; on-site support; consultation
1110.00 - New Teacher Academy
Establishing a mentor/mentee connection, becoming familiar with the Danielson Framework and ESU services
Instructional Materials Services (84-002.05C)
1201.00 - Digital Resources
Learn360, Discovery Ed, Worldbook, Other Online Products/Subscriptions
Technology (84-002.05B)
Student Services
Grant Services
Other Services
Other (not a requirement of SIMPL)
1701.17 - Student Activities
Quiz Bowl, High Ability, et al.