2023 - 2024

2024 - 2025
ESU 07

Staff Development Services (84-002.05A)

Staff Development:

CIP: Year 1 of cycle. Koliha shared the flow chart of year 1 suggested activities. 

Data Dig for setting goals. 

MTSS- Expanding into Jr. High. Want MTSS to follow current 8th grade into high school. Using iReady as an intervention. Meet April 3,2024 so they are ready to rock and roll in August. Determine if you will use existing staff (math and ELA) or expand into other staff for interventions. 


Instructional Materials: 

Instructional Materials: Looking at math and Wonders. With budget constraints, can’t purchase new.

1101.00 - Continuous Improvement Process
Workshops, consultation or direct work with school districts to assist with the continuous improvement process ‘CIP’. Examples: steering committee meeting, mission/ vision work, data support, data dashboard, comprehensive needs assessment, CIP goal selection, action plans, program evaluation, preparing for the CIP external visit; support for Comprehensive Support and Improvement ‘CSI’, and Targeted Support and Improvement ‘TSI’ and Additional Targeted Support and Improvement ‘ATSI’ student designations.
1102.00 - Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS/RDA)
Workshops, consultation or direct work with school districts to establish Multi-tiered System of Support processes and practices, including Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports ‘PBIS’ and Social Emotional and Behavioral Learning ‘SEBL’. Examples: regional meetings, team meeting, data analysis, action plans, creating process/protocols, on-site coaching, Targeted Improvement Plan ‘TIP’, Results Driven Accountability ‘RDA’, Performance Enhancement and Knowledge ‘PEaK’ Project, NeMTSS.
1109.01 - Classroom Coaching
Cognitive Coaching for Teachers
1112.08 - Special Education PD
Special education trainings offered to school district personnel.
Instructional Materials Services (84-002.05C)
Technology (84-002.05B)
Reviewed the Technology Infographic and Internet Bids for this year.  Leigh received favorable bids for their connection.
1301.00 - Technology Support
General technology and technical support.
1301.01 - Internet and WAN Support
Support of internet and WAN (Wide Area Network) circuits.
1301.05 - Hardware Repair
Computer, Device, A/V, and other equipment repair.
1301.06 - Distance Learning & Videoconferencing Support
Codecs, Virtual Field Trips, Zoom, etc.
1301.08 - Planning & Consultation
Strategic planning, general consultations, etc.
1302.05 - Server Hosting
Physical or virtual server hosting.
1306.00 - E-Rate
Universal Service E-Rate filing and consultation.
Student Services

Autism Training on Aug 14

May have a para who needs project para.  Cole will contact Angie

Ongoing para training not needed at this time.

1401.00 - Program Supervision
Compliance, financials, training
1404.00 - Early Childhood Special Education
Early Childhood Special Education services includes managing referrals and conducting evaluations of children birth to 5 years old. If children are in need of special education services; it also includes evidence based service delivery of comprehensive services in homes, childcare and preschool settings that adhere to IDEA Part C and Part B (619) rules and regulations. The teams also works to smoothly transition verified children to their elementary schools as they move on to kindergarten. Schools can utilize coordinators to help manage their Teaching Strategies GOLD requirements.
1405.00 - Psychology
Provide direct and indirect support through general education and special education processes. Provide individual, team, and systems-level supports and services to various problem-solving teams. Academic, social emotional, and behavioral assessment, consultation, collaboration with classroom teachers, special education staff, specialists, parents, administration, and school personnel to develop an effective plan to meet the needs of each individual student.
1407.00 - Resource Coach
The ESU7 Resource Coach focus is working with teachers, other district staff, and families to assist, provide guidance, training, resources, and strategies for working with students by utilizing programming and materials to improve learning through meeting each individual student's needs (ages 0-21). Training Topics: Functions of Behavior and Behavior Strategies, Classroom Management Strategies, Stages of Behavior Escalation, Least Restrictive Environment, Functional Behavior Assessment/Behavior Intervention Plan, Paraprofessional Roles & Responsibilities, Writing Measurable IEP goals, General/Special Education Teacher Responsibilities, Disability Awareness, Social Skills, and Verbal Behavior Available Services: Implement verbal behavior program, IEP development-how to write measurable goals, District IEP meeting facilitation, Direct teaching to assist IEP implementation, Para, Parent & Teacher training-Behavior strategies, role modeling, coaching, & data collection, Model, instruct and collect data for social skills & functional life skills, Develop data collection systems, Direct student services in the home, Differentiate instruction, Provide resources (web sites, trainings, and curriculum materials, evidence based research )
1408.00 - Deaf Education
Provision of supports and services, including technology and self-advocacy, for students who are deaf or hard of hearing. Examples: Regional programs, direct services, consultation, DHH Teacher, DHH Interpreter
1411.00 - Transition
A transition specialists primary focus is preparing students with disabilities to transition from high school to life after graduation. The specialist supports districts through training opportunities, linkages to agencies and specialists, and providing student workshops on transition-related topics.
1414.00 - Behavior & Mental Health Support
Behavior and mental health support includes conducting Functional Behavior Assessments to determine why a behavior is occurring and then develop a Behavior Intervention Plan to address the challenging behaviors. Individuals providing support works closely with school administrators, teachers, paraprofessionals, and school psychologists. Services can be minimal, such as conducting an observation and helping with classroom strategies, or much more extensive. Some students may require intensive behavior interventions, social skills training and/or emotional behavioral health support. Training for districts to discuss the basics of behavior, classroom strategies to help manage challenging behaviors, de-escalation strategies, and various other topics that the school district specifies are also provided.
Grant Services
Other Services
Other (not a requirement of SIMPL)