2023 - 2024

2024 - 2025
ESU 07

Staff Development Services (84-002.05A)

Staff Development:

Year 1 SIP:

Curriculum Mapping: 

Current materials used, planning for future

Looking at new SS curriculum, new ELA curriculum. Map from k-1, 1-2. Vertical alignment conversations. 

They’ve already reached out to Mark Brady for support in the purchase. They are going to do the mapping on their own. 

ELA: Brooke Koliha. They want to have a conversation with their teachers before scheduling them. A teacher has started the conversation with Koliha. Want to update grammar. They want it to be separate from the other ELA program. Might just keep their current books and have them rebound. 

“Weekly Reader-ish” is what they are using in the elementary. 


1101.00 - Continuous Improvement Process
Workshops, consultation or direct work with school districts to assist with the continuous improvement process ‘CIP’. Examples: steering committee meeting, mission/ vision work, data support, data dashboard, comprehensive needs assessment, CIP goal selection, action plans, program evaluation, preparing for the CIP external visit; support for Comprehensive Support and Improvement ‘CSI’, and Targeted Support and Improvement ‘TSI’ and Additional Targeted Support and Improvement ‘ATSI’ student designations.
1106.01 - Instructional Models
Professional development surrounding instructional models (Danielson, Marzano, ITIP, homegrown, etc.), strategies, and planning.
1109.01 - Classroom Coaching
Cognitive Coaching for Teachers
1112.08 - Special Education PD
Special education trainings offered to school district personnel.
Instructional Materials Services (84-002.05C)
Technology (84-002.05B)
Reviewed the Technology Infographic and Internet Bids for this year.  St. Edward received favorable bids. 
1301.00 - Technology Support
General technology and technical support.
1301.01 - Internet and WAN Support
Support of internet and WAN (Wide Area Network) circuits.
1301.05 - Hardware Repair
Computer, Device, A/V, and other equipment repair.
1301.06 - Distance Learning & Videoconferencing Support
Codecs, Virtual Field Trips, Zoom, etc.
1301.08 - Planning & Consultation
Strategic planning, general consultations, etc.
1302.05 - Server Hosting
Physical or virtual server hosting.
1306.00 - E-Rate
Universal Service E-Rate filing and consultation.
Student Services
1401.00 - Program Supervision
Compliance, financials, training
1402.00 - Speech Language
Provide diagnostic, therapeutic, and consultative services for students. Provide services for Birth-21 years of age in many areas, including receptive language, expressive language, articulation, voice, fluency, literacy, and social communication. Individual plans and service delivery made for each student to ensure FAPE. Participate on transition teams.
1406.02 - Cen7ter
Cen7ter is designed to meet the needs of students ages 14 to 21 with developmental disabilities. Cen7ter's mission is to empower students to use their strengths to assist in preparing each individual to gain employment and independent living skills. Cen7ter program emphasis is placed on life skills academics, social skills, independent living, recreation/leisure, and prevocational opportunities. Cen7ter services are IEP driven and available 1 - 5 days a week.
1408.00 - Deaf Education
Provision of supports and services, including technology and self-advocacy, for students who are deaf or hard of hearing. Examples: Regional programs, direct services, consultation, DHH Teacher, DHH Interpreter
1411.00 - Transition
A transition specialists primary focus is preparing students with disabilities to transition from high school to life after graduation. The specialist supports districts through training opportunities, linkages to agencies and specialists, and providing student workshops on transition-related topics.
1414.00 - Behavior & Mental Health Support
Behavior and mental health support includes conducting Functional Behavior Assessments to determine why a behavior is occurring and then develop a Behavior Intervention Plan to address the challenging behaviors. Individuals providing support works closely with school administrators, teachers, paraprofessionals, and school psychologists. Services can be minimal, such as conducting an observation and helping with classroom strategies, or much more extensive. Some students may require intensive behavior interventions, social skills training and/or emotional behavioral health support. Training for districts to discuss the basics of behavior, classroom strategies to help manage challenging behaviors, de-escalation strategies, and various other topics that the school district specifies are also provided.
Grant Services
Other Services
Other (not a requirement of SIMPL)