2023 - 2024

Chase County Schools
2019 - 2020
ESU 15

Staff Development Services (84-002.05A)
1102.00 - Multi-Tier Systems of Support / RTI
Identify 3 Tiered System of Intervention
1109.02 - Professional Learning Communities
Identify Instructional Strategy Model and have administrators and staff trained on the strategies. Educate parents, school board members and community on the PLC process. Identify team norms. Establish SMART goals. Identify Essential Learnings (align with NeSA). Identify essential curriculum aligned to Essential Learnings. Vertically align curriculum. Create formative assessments for Essential Learnings. Create pacing guides. Use data results of assessments to identify strengths and address weaknesses to help students achieve at higher levels. Implement Response to Intervention. Establish Effective Elementary Grade level PLC's. Establish Effective Secondary Content specific PLC's. Within each PLC: Best teaching practices are discussed and encouraged. Identification and Implementation of Essential Learnings based on Table of Specifications, teacher identified Essential Learnings, and other state mandated testing.
Instructional Materials Services (84-002.05C)
Technology (84-002.05B)
2301.00 - Internet Access
Support for direct connection to Internet Service Provider
2302.00 - Zoom
Zoom is a desktop web and video conferencing program.
2306.00 - ERATE Filing Consultation
This service focuses on assisting schools with completing the processes required by the Universal Service Corporation for discounts on telecommunications services. These requirements include filing numerous reports, letting bids or requests for proposals, and completing on-line requests to receive calculated discounts for eligible services.
Student Services
Grant Services
Other Services
Other (not a requirement of SIMPL)