2023 - 2024

ESU 13
2019 - 2020
ESU 13

Staff Development Services (84-002.05A)
1101.05 - CNA Support
Supporting schools in completion of the Comprehensive Needs Assessment Process
1103.00 - Safety and Security
coordinating state-wide implementation of Safety and Security Standards, crisis response, State grants and initiatives.
1104.02 - Advisory Council
District Superintendent/Leadership Group, provides support and advice to ESU in regards to menu of
1104.08 - Assessment Leadership
Supporting school leaders with assessments and using assessments to guide school programs and processes
1106.00 - Instructional Strategies
Support to implement effective, quality, research based strategies
1108.01 - Learning Management System Support
Support and professional learning regarding district learning management system use by teachers, staff, and students.
1108.05 - Digital Citizenship awareness & training
Provide digital citizenship training for students, teachers, and parents.
1112.02 - Instructional Technology Integration Support
Provides professional development of staff and/or individuals with the integration of technology into the classroom.
1112.15 - Dyslexia Preparation and Training
Overview of Dyslexia and Methods to Support Students
Instructional Materials Services (84-002.05C)
Technology (84-002.05B)
Student Services
Grant Services
Other Services
1605.00 - Coop Purchasing
Nebraska ESUCC Cooperative Purchasing provides compliant, competitive, aggregated bidding and purchasing to control and reduce costs to its members by maximizing efficiency of resources and processes in Nebraska and Nationally. Cooperative Purchasing is authorized to coordinate purchases for public school districts, nonpublic school systems, other ESUs, and other public agencies, including any county, city, village, school district, or agency of the state government, any drainage district, sanitary and improvement district, or other municipal corporation or political subdivision of the State of Nebraska.
Other (not a requirement of SIMPL)
1702.13 - College Credit
We are offering this course for continuing education graduate credit.