2023 - 2024

Spalding Academy (Private)
2019 - 2020
ESU 10

Staff Development Services (84-002.05A)
1104.00 - Leadership
Professional learning and consultation for administrators and teacher leaders in support of district initiatives. Example activities: Superintendent, Principal, TIS, Instructional coach meetings; one-on-one consultation; coaching conversations; Strategic Leadership trainings and meetings
1106.04 - Science
Training specific to science instruction; science strategies consultation; intervention training
Instructional Materials Services (84-002.05C)
1201.00 - Digital Resource
Services schools use or purchase from ESU 10; Example: OverDrive
1202.00 - Tangible Resources
Items schools checkout from the ODIE Library. Examples: Star Lab, STEM items and other kits.
Technology (84-002.05B)
2306.00 - E-Rate Filing Consultation
E-Rate Filing Consultation
2309.00 - Network Consulting
Network Consulting
2323.00 - Technical Support
Helpdesk supported systems, managed services, Tech Planning, Distance Learning
Student Services
Grant Services
1501.05 - Title II-A Consortium
Title II-A Consortium supports the goal of Title II-A: Increase the academic achievement of all students through strategies such as improving teacher and Principal quality and increasing the number of highly qualified teachers in the classroom and highly qualified Principals and leaders in schools.
1501.07 - Title IV Consortium
Title IV-A Consortium supports the goal of Title IV-A: Well rounded education opportunities, safe and healthy students, and effective use of technology.
Other Services
Other (not a requirement of SIMPL)
1701.10 - Student Activities
All student activities hosted by ESU 10; Examples: Quiz Bowl, Science Olympiad, Digital Citizenship Symposium, Invention Convention