2023 - 2024

St Francis Schools (Private)
2019 - 2020
ESU 07

Staff Development Services (84-002.05A)
1104.01 - Principal Development
ESU 7 Principals have the opportunity to meet 5 times each year for opportunities to collaborate. Additionally, principal trainings are scheduled as needs are identified.
1104.02 - Superintendent Development
Superintendent networking meetings on ESU campus throughout the year. Visits by ESU Administrator to school district Superintendents to discuss, plan and problem solve services provided to the districts.
1106.01 - Instructional Models
Professional development surrounding instructional models (Danielson, Marzano, ITIP, homegrown, etc.), strategies, and planning.
1106.12 - Other/Non-NSCAS Content Trainings
Trainings and support for content areas not tested through NSCAS.
Instructional Materials Services (84-002.05C)
Technology (84-002.05B)
2307.00 - Coordinating Computer Repair Partnership
Coordination of a computer repair service across multiple vendors. ESU serves as a central drop off / pick up location.
2309.00 - Network Planning & Consultation
Network personnel help plan, design, and implement infrastructure from wire to wireless, iPad, or laptops, servers and more.
Student Services
Grant Services
1501.02 - Perkins Grant
Provides grant facilitation, management, professional development, and networking for Career and Technical Education teachers through the Carl D Perkins Grant Consortium.
1501.05 - Title II-A Consortium
The ESU 7 Title II-A Consortium supports the goal of Title II-A: Increase the academic achievement of all students through strategies such as improving teacher and Principal quality and increasing the number of highly qualified teachers in the classroom and highly qualified Principals and leaders in schools.
Other Services
1604.00 - Group Purchasing
Volume purchases for various vendor services to optimize purchasing efficiencies for such items as John Baylor, policy updates, etc
Other (not a requirement of SIMPL)