2023 - 2024

2022 - 2023
ESU 07

Staff Development Services (84-002.05A)
  • Standards-Based Planning (LSI):

  • Cognia Visit/CIP Support: Not sure what the prep will look like because this will be brand new. We will start gathering evidence right away. Looking for ways to store and present evidence. Could we help with that. Plan on using Google?

  • Curriculum Support: They will utilize the ESU overview days for the new standards. They want to make sure the materials are high quality and that are really a good fit based on the needs of the district. Do the materials truly fit our needs?

    • Reading Curriculum:

    • Math Curriculum Updates:

  • ACT Writing: Right now, they will look at just the January date. Joey will talk with Sam about possible changes to this process. They liked giving the students feedback and not a score and then having students fix it. They want a first semester date and a second semester date.

  • PLC Assistance:

    • Middle School: Block schedule for all teachers has been helpful. They are looking to streamline this process and really equip the PLC leader.

    • Rurals: Also interested in assisting PLCs to stay on topic. Wants the PLC leader to have good clarity and direction in leading the PLC.

    • SCHS: Want to keep things the same as last year. Would want to utilize ESU with data work. They will have a 1:30 dismissal schedule to expand PLC time. This will also allow their new teachers to meet as a cohort.

    • 6-12 will get together once per quarter for 6-12 curriculum alignment. Solidifying the priorities in each grade level to align them.

  • MTSS Support (Rurals): Help them really be clear on their goal from the beginning of the year. They also want to make sure their intervention time is wrapped around actual data that makes it more specific to the needs of the students.

  • CTE Planning: Stronger alignment between 7-12 CTE classes. The middle school labs are out of date. Otis is already working on this. Otis will need to help them as they transition to new staff this year and next.

1101.00 - Continuous Improvement Process
Workshops, consultation or direct work with school districts to assist with the continuous improvement process ‘CIP’. Examples: steering committee meeting, mission/ vision work, data support, data dashboard, comprehensive needs assessment, CIP goal selection, action plans, program evaluation, preparing for the CIP external visit; support for Comprehensive Support and Improvement ‘CSI’, and Targeted Support and Improvement ‘TSI’ and Additional Targeted Support and Improvement ‘ATSI’ student designations.
1102.00 - Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS/RDA)
Workshops, consultation or direct work with school districts to establish Multi-tiered System of Support processes and practices, including Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports ‘PBIS’ and Social Emotional and Behavioral Learning ‘SEBL’. Examples: regional meetings, team meeting, data analysis, action plans, creating process/protocols, on-site coaching, Targeted Improvement Plan ‘TIP’, Results Driven Accountability ‘RDA’, Performance Enhancement and Knowledge ‘PEaK’ Project, NeMTSS.
1104.00 - Leadership
A series of opportunities to engage in discussion and learning about initiatives and professional growth. Examples: Leadership meetings, Mentoring training, Walkthrough development, Evaluation tool development, Technology Integration tools, Review of principal and teacher standards, adult learners, balanced leadership, change process/change management, teambuilding, teacher/principal evaluation
1104.01 - Principal Development
ESU 7 Principals have the opportunity to meet 5 times each year for opportunities to collaborate. Additionally, principal trainings are scheduled as needs are identified.
1104.02 - Superintendent Development
Superintendent networking meetings on ESU campus throughout the year. Visits by ESU Administrator to school district Superintendents to discuss, plan and problem solve services provided to the districts. KSB training series. Perry Law Firm policy updates. Other topics for superintendents.
1105.01 - Develop, Revise, and Assess Curriculum based on Standards
Assisting schools in developing, revising, and aligning curriculum based on current content standards through a three-phase process. This process includes understanding instructional shifts, unpacking and prioritizing standards, and creating pacing guides. The final phase of this process could include building proficiency scales, program evaluation, and building assessments.
1105.02 - Instructional Materials Adoption
Instructional materials adoption assistance and materials alignment
1106.01 - Instructional Models
Professional development surrounding instructional models (Danielson, Marzano, ITIP, homegrown, etc.), strategies, and planning.
1106.02 - English Language Arts (ELA) Content Training
Training specific to reading, phonemic awareness, phonics, decoding fluency, comprehension, vocabulary, grammar, and writing instruction and strategies.
1106.03 - Math Content Training
Professional learning based on best practices of content and pedagogy in math, PK-12
1106.11 - Instructional Strategies
Kagan, Differentiation, Vocabulary, BlendED, Direct Instruction
1106.12 - Other/Non-NSCAS Content Trainings
Trainings and support for content areas not tested through NSCAS. Such trainings as for guidance counselors, special education staff, and para educators.
1107.01 - NWEA Training/Support
NWEA Certified Facilitators providing on-site consultation, training, and data analysis for administrators, teachers and staff.
1108.00 - Technology Integration
Provides professional development of staff and/or individuals with the integration of technology into the classroom.
1109.01 - Classroom Coaching
Cognitive Coaching for Teachers
1109.03 - Principal Coaching
Cognitive Coaching for Principals
1110.00 - New Teacher Cohort
Study and implementation of research-based, best practices designed to support beginning teachers. Includes a clear focus on career-long excellence in the classroom and the legacy we create. Topics could include: lesson design, classroom management, student engagement, high yield strategies, technology integration, SPED, parent-teacher conferences
1112.05 - LAN Manager Program
Provide support and training to school LAN Managers.
1112.08 - Special Education PD
Special education trainings offered to school district personnel.
1112.09 - Before Age 5 Training
Workshops, consultation or direct work with individuals who serve children birth to age five.
Instructional Materials Services (84-002.05C)
1201.00 - Products and Subscriptions
EdReady, World Book, Other
Technology (84-002.05B)
1301.00 - Technology Support
General technology and technical support.
1301.01 - Internet and WAN Support
Support of internet and WAN (Wide Area Network) circuits.
1301.05 - Hardware Repair
Computer, Device, A/V, and other equipment repair.
1301.08 - Planning & Consultation
Strategic planning, general consultations, etc.
1304.00 - Information Security
Provide proactive planning, training and reporting focused on cybersecurity and resources after a cybersecurity event.
1306.00 - E-Rate
Universal Service E-Rate filing and consultation.
Student Services
1401.00 - Program Supervision
Compliance, financials, training
1402.00 - Speech Language
Provide diagnostic, therapeutic, and consultative services for students. Provide services for Birth-21 years of age in many areas, including receptive language, expressive language, articulation, voice, fluency, literacy, and social communication. Individual plans and service delivery made for each student to ensure FAPE. Participate on transition teams.
1403.00 - Vision
The ESU7 Vision Team provides resources, services, and support in preparing children/youth, ages birth to 21, who have a visual impairment for success in life through collaboration with schools, families, and community agencies. Vision services are available for students experiencing vision problems. Certified vision personnel provide evaluation, consultation, and intervention for these children. This assistance may include the use of adaptive equipment, assistive technology, instruction in Braille, orientation and mobility, and other skills for accessing the general curriculum, and acquire Adapted Core Curriculum skills specific to individuals with vision impairments.
1407.00 - Resource Coach
The ESU7 Resource Coach focus is working with teachers, other district staff, and families to assist, provide guidance, training, resources, and strategies for working with students by utilizing programming and materials to improve learning through meeting each individual student's needs (ages 0-21). Training Topics: Functions of Behavior and Behavior Strategies, Classroom Management Strategies, Stages of Behavior Escalation, Least Restrictive Environment, Functional Behavior Assessment/Behavior Intervention Plan, Paraprofessional Roles & Responsibilities, Writing Measurable IEP goals, General/Special Education Teacher Responsibilities, Disability Awareness, Social Skills, and Verbal Behavior Available Services: Implement verbal behavior program, IEP development-how to write measurable goals, District IEP meeting facilitation, Direct teaching to assist IEP implementation, Para, Parent & Teacher training-Behavior strategies, role modeling, coaching, & data collection, Model, instruct and collect data for social skills & functional life skills, Develop data collection systems, Direct student services in the home, Differentiate instruction, Provide resources (web sites, trainings, and curriculum materials, evidence based research )
1408.00 - Deaf Education
Provision of supports and services, including technology and self-advocacy, for students who are deaf or hard of hearing. Examples: Regional programs, direct services, consultation, DHH Teacher, DHH Interpreter
1411.00 - Transition
A transition specialists primary focus is preparing students with disabilities to transition from high school to life after graduation. The specialist supports districts through training opportunities, linkages to agencies and specialists, and providing student workshops on transition-related topics.
Grant Services
1501.01 - Autism Spectrum Disorders Grant
The Northeast Regional ASD Network is available to provide Resources and Training to local school districts in the areas of: Assessment and verification of ASD ?Program planning, including identification and implementations of appropriate strategies and interventions for students with ASD The Northeast region has a lending library consisting of books, videos, and other resources that is available to school districts and parents upon request. These may be checked out from the ESU7 Media Department.
1501.02 - Perkins Grant
Provides grant facilitation, management, professional development, and networking for Career and Technical Education teachers through the Carl D Perkins Grant Consortium.
1501.04 - Title IC Migrant Education Program
The Migrant Education Program (MEP) provides supplemental educational and support services to eligible students to assist with their academic success.
1501.09 - Transition Grant
A transition specialists primary focus is preparing students with disabilities to transition from high school to life after graduation. The specialist supports districts through training opportunities, linkages to agencies and specialists, and providing student workshops on transition-related topics.
1501.11 - Planning Region Team
Planning Region 7 is an organized group of parents, advocates and representatives from school districts, agencies, educational service units, Head Start, and other relevant agencies or persons responsible for assisting in the planning and implementation of the Early Intervention Act in each local community or region. PRT also tracks, arranges or provides the required NDE training for PART C providers and is the entity to compliance monitoring of Part C in our 7 counties.
1501.12 - PEaK
PEaK, formerly known as ILCD stands for Improving Learning for Children with Disabilities, a Nebraska Department of Education Initiative designed to enhance program improvement that will result in better outcomes for children with disabilities. The ESU7 PEaK Coordinator assists school districts with their improvement activities for students with disabilities. The Facilitator partners with districts to gather and analyze data in collaboration with the Continuous School Improvement Process and to assist in the development of Targeted Improvement Plans. Each Nebraska school district will develop a Targeted Improvement Plan that will lead to better child and student performance and report annually to NDE on the Plan's progress.
1501.13 - Early Learning Connection (ELC)
Nebraska’s Early Learning Connection (ELC) is an integrated system of early childhood professional development. The ELC consists of a statewide hub at the Early Childhood Training Center and seven regional Early Learning Connection partnerships, along with other state and regional partners. It is designed as a system that supports the career and professional development of all who provide programs and services for young children birth through age eight.
Other Services
1601.00 - Production/Art Media
The ESU 7 Production Department provides schools with copy and finishing services, lamination, flash and word cards, writing paper pads, Ellison Cutouts, and poster printing.
1605.00 - Coop Purchasing
Nebraska ESUCC Cooperative Purchasing provides compliant, competitive, aggregated bidding and purchasing to control and reduce costs to its members by maximizing efficiency of resources and processes in Nebraska and Nationally. Cooperative Purchasing is authorized to coordinate purchases for public school districts, nonpublic school systems, other ESUs, and other public agencies, including any county, city, village, school district, or agency of the state government, any drainage district, sanitary and improvement district, or other municipal corporation or political subdivision of the State of Nebraska.
Other (not a requirement of SIMPL)