* Shading indicates service has been used.
1101.00 System: Continuous Improvement
1101.01 System: Data Systems
1101.04 System: PLC
1102.00 System: MTSS
1102.01 System: TIP - Targeted Improvement Plan
1103.00 SBMH Instruction
1104.00 Instruction: Co-teaching
1104.02 Leadership: Superintendent
1105.00 Curriculum: Revision and Alignment
1106.00 Instruction: Best Practices
1106.01 System: Instructional Model
1106.03 Instruction: Math
1106.04 Instruction: Science
1106.05 Instruction: Social Studies
1106.06 Instruction: Art Integration
1106.07 Pathways 2 Tomorrow
1107.00 Assessment: Literacy and Development
1108.00 Instruction: Technology Integration
1108.01 System: Canvas
1109.01 Instruction: Coaching
1110.00 Instruction: New Teacher Academy
1111.00 System: Teacher/Principal Evaluation
1111.01 Enduser: ESU2Grows
1112.00 Instruction: Career Technical Education (CTE)
1112.02 End User Support: Other
1112.08 Instruction: SPED
1112.09 Instruction: Preschool
1201.00 Online Resource Management
1301.01 Internet and WAN Support
1301.02 Networking Support
1301.03 Systems Administration & Server Support
1301.04 Client Device Support
1301.05 Hardware Repair
1301.06 Distance Learning & Videoconferencing Support
1301.07 Contracted Technology Support
1301.08 Planning & Consultation
1302.00 Infrastructure
1302.01 Internet Access
1302.03 Internet Content Filtering
1302.04 Directory Services & SSO (Single Sign-On)
1302.05 Server Hosting
1302.06 Web & Application Hosting
1302.09 Device Management
1303.00 Development
1303.01 Web Development
1303.02 Application Development
1303.04 Scripting & Batch Processing
1303.05 Graphic Design
1304.00 Information Security
1304.01 Cybersecurity
1304.03 Vulnerability Scanning
1305.00 Data Systems
1305.01 SIS (Student Information System) Support
1305.02 ADVISER State Reporting
1305.03 EduClimber/Data Support
1305.04 Report Writing
1306.00 E-Rate
1306.01 E-Rate Category 1
1306.02 E-Rate Category 2
1401.01 Early Intervention: Support
1401.02 Child Find: Services Coordination
1401.03 Direct Family Service
1401.04 Direct Family Service: Navigators
1401.06 Supervision: Services Coordination
1401.07 Research and Development: Service Coordination
1401.09 State and Federal Reporting: Student Services
1401.11 State and Federal Reporting
1402.00 Direct Student Service: SLP
1406.01 Direct Student Service: Independent Program
1408.00 System: Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)
1409.00 Direct Student Service: OT
1410.00 Direct Student Service: Physical Therapy
1413.01 Direct Student Service: Navigators
1414.00 Direct Student Service: LMHP
1501.00 Non-Competitive Grant Support: Other
1501.02 Non-Competitive Grant Support: Perkins
1501.03 Non-Competitive Grant Support: Title I
1501.07 Non-Competitive Grant Support: Title IV
1501.12 Non-Competitive Grant Support: PEAK
1502.01 Competitive Grant Supports: ITA
1502.02 Competitive Grant Supports: EIR
1502.03 Competitive Grant Supports: MTA
1502.04 Competitive Grant Supports: Cultural Connections
1601.00 Production
1603.00 Research & Development